You don't live to train,
you train to live.
entrenamiento completa
By joining our community, you also have
access to our gym where we motivate you to
train and get the most out of our
areas of cardio, integrated weight, free weight, functional and more...
The Local Gym is a fitness ecosystem
that offers more when training.
Comenzar ahora es mejor porque tienes una
community supporting you to achieve your goals.
Train to do
what you love.
We motivate you to train and be in shape to enjoy more and do sports to have more energy.
¿Principiante o profesional? ¡No importa! Nuestros entrenadores te ayudarán a sacar más provecho en cada sesión de entrenamiento.
All about your
in one place
Al descargar gratis nuestra app Local Fit, ¡obtienes el mejor aliado para tu rutina de entrenamiento!
Follow the progress of your goals, online workouts and the Local experience in and out of the gym in the palm of your hand.